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Ethiopia-Eritrea – Cultural Calendar 2023  /
Etiopia-Eritrea – Calendario culturale 2023

The GermanEthiopianFoundation is again publishing a calendar in DIN A4 format for the year 2023, which provides information about the culture of the Ethiopians and Eritreans and wants to build a bridge between the African and the so-called Western societies.

As before: an exceptional photo every month, the Ethiopian-Eritrean and Western calendars at a glance, important festival dates, descriptions of the festivals in seven languages, plus important historical data and a monthly article on culture. 
For example in 2022 an illustrated Book on Ethiopia, a people of the region, the tradition of gold, the oldest foreign shop, 100 years of French Ethiopian studies, the national parks, a spectacular Ge’ez manuscript, a map with important archaeological sites. Organizations and companies can place advertisements. Foundations and commercial enterprises order copies. The calendar is sent to 21 countries, from Japan to Canada. 

Please take a look at the first draft of the 2023 calendar yourself 

With an order of the calendar, which we design with an international group of volunteers, you support young Africans and a junior professorship. And with every copy you make yourself, your friends and business partners happy. 
In order to estimate the print run, we offer the possibility of pre-ordering at special conditions. When the calendar is sent out at the beginning of September we and then ask for donations – if required we also issue invoices. 

For your order: 
1 copy: 16.00 euros – until 31 July: 15.00 euros;
from 2 copies: 14.50 euros each – until 20 July: 2 copies: 27.00 euros; 3 copies: 40.50 euros;
5 copies and more: 14.00 euros each – until 20 July: 13.00 euros each;
10 copies and more: 13.00 euros each – until 20 July: 12.00 euros each;
25 copies and more: 12.00 euros each – until 20 July: 11.00 euros each.
We have special offers for 75 and 100 copies and more. 

Due to increased printing costs, we will unfortunately have to ask for 1 euro more per calendar from 01 August, instead of 16.00 euros it will be 17.00 euros. 

Please order until 31 July the 2023 calendar at 

On behalf of young Africans we thank you very much for your support!

Hiob Ludolf Center for Ethiopian Studies
University of Hamburg
Alsterterrasse 1· 20354 Hamburg · Germany



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