One name, one meaning.
Taken from the Greek ethnos “people, ethnicity” and rêma “word, utterance, thing, fact”.
In linguistic pragmatics, rheme indicates the part of a sentence which provides additional information to what has already been said (the theme).
The combination of these meanings expresses what we work on and what we would like to talk about: peoples, their language and culture, in the hopes of adding something which hasn’t been said before.
An introduction.
Additionally, Ethnorêma plans to cooperate with external collaborators who bring to the table specific technical knowledge and experience as well as a pronounced sensibility regarding cultural and social themes.
The association Ethnorêma-ODV is registered in the Regional Registry of Voluntary Associations of the Province of Bolzano (Decree No. 148/1.1, 29th of September 2008), in the sector of cultural, educational and training activities. Since 2023, Ethnorêma-ODV has been registered in the National Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) (Register No. 103705).

01 – At work in the field

02 – Bolzano, our headquarters
Our journal.
Ethnorêma publishes an online peer-reviewed journal, available to download for free, in which we collaborate with scholars and researchers who operate both in Italy and abroad.
Through the articles in our publication, our aim is to learn more about the manifestations of cultures and in doing so understand them. These can range from linguistic aspects to popular traditions, a page in history and much more. Thus we would like our contributors to have not only technical knowledge, but also open eyes, an open mind and the willingness to learn from others to then pass on the knowledge acquired.